Sell Your Used Car in Louisville, KY: Why Craig & Landreth is Your Ultimate Choice!

Stop Wondering, Start Acting!

Tired of asking yourself, "Who buys used cars in Louisville, KY?" Stop the guesswork and start taking action with Craig & Landreth! We're not just a dealership; we're your one-stop solution for selling your used car at a price that'll make you say, "Wow!"

Unbeatable Offers Await You!

Why Settle for Less?

Don't settle for average offers when you can get top-dollar for your used car at Craig & Landreth! Our team is armed with cutting-edge technology and data-driven insights that ensure you get an offer you can't refuse.

The Future is Online, and So Are We!

Introducing Our Revolutionary Online Trade Tool!

Say goodbye to tedious negotiations and hello to our state-of-the-art Online Trade Tool. Get an instant estimate that reflects the real value of your car, all from the comfort of your home. It's fast, it's easy, and it's the future!

  • Click & Fill: Navigate to our Online Trade Tool and fill in your car's details.

  • Instant Estimate: Get a competitive, data-driven estimate in seconds.

  • Seal the Deal: Love the offer? Bring your car to our Clarksville, IN location for a quick evaluation and let's make it official!

Convenience Like Never Before!

Located just a stone's throw away from Louisville, KY, our Clarksville, IN dealership is as convenient as it gets. Plus, our streamlined process ensures that selling your car is as easy as 1-2-3!

Don't Just Take Our Word for It!

Our reputation speaks for itself. But don't just take our word for it; check out our glowing reviews and testimonials. We're not just in the business of selling cars; we're in the business of exceeding expectations!

Ready to Turn Your Used Car into Cash?

Don't wait! Incredible offers are just a click away. Contact Craig & Landreth today and experience car selling like never before!